筆者與劉耳教授合作完成的題目為:“社會轉型:對中國傳統休閑價值的回望”的論文在會上得到了交流。我們在論文中大致陳述了這樣的思想:“在中國5000年漫長歷史進程中,休閑作為一種亞文化形態,對傳承儒家、道家、佛家文化傳統,對塑造中國人的價值觀和道德倫理,對提升人的品格教養、風度禮儀等方面,始終發揮著重要的作用。但是, 近一百多年來,伴隨中國幾次大的社會轉型, 致使傳統休閑價值被肢解的愈來愈凌亂。尤其自20世紀80年代以來,中國進入了現代化的轉型期——經濟的迅猛發展,產業格局的重大改組,文化形態的多樣化、多元化、多層化,生活方式中的現代化、時尚化、西方化等諸多因素的融入,休閑價值的精髓也愈來愈多地被物質主義所浸染。加劇了傳統休閑價值在當代的解構與重構。正是在這一背景下,我們呼喚人們,回望休閑文化傳統的底蘊與價值,希冀為可持續發展與和諧社會的各種期許尋找新思路。”此文受到《世界休閑雜志》主編羅伯茨教授的青睞,與筆者做了交流并希望準予發表。
Location:URL A201
Children , youth and leisure aspiration
By: Taija Tdoren
Rethinking young people’s leisure in the context of the Finnish welfare state.
The ideal of AUTONOMY frames the ethos if leisure organizers.
Ethnic hierarchies
Value& Meaning of leisure?
An idle time? A risky business? A lonely space? A sphere for fun and emotional and cultural exploration? A possibility for societal( civic) engagement? Instrumental value?
Methological issues: how to catch ‘alternative knowledge’ on leisure, when ‘nothing’ is happening?
Youth lifestyle, leisure conditions, and practices in daily life.
By: Kleanthis Sirakoulis ( Greece)
Does city planning effect young people participation?
Leisure provision- design to attract young people- determinative of the lifestyle.
Mean of leisure time for youth: 37.41+/- 17.8 hours/ week.
Youngth has more free time:
- Economical reasons: no economical weight. E.g: relaxing, radio, DVD, computer games, all home base activities, which, does not require ‘spending’.
- Conclusion: lack of cultural and sport facilities is a result of urban mis-planning.
High cost of living create dissatisfaction about quality of life.
By:Rashimi Jain
Glaobalisation-children less dependent.
More computer game/phone pack
- no longer communicate with other children, therefore becoming social incapable. Means of 4.1 hour leisure time per day, 2.1 hours study, 4.2 hours computer game.
- No time for other leisure activities.
- More competitive.
- 18% pornographic website in Japur. Families and parents responsible for this results.
- All leisure industry target children: leisure is created, child is lost.
By: Ken Roberts
Geogeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan.
Personal leisure careers:
- how to identify and measure them?
- What do we find?
- What value is added vis-à-vis evidence cross sectional life stage?
Consideration: 31-37 years old, education background, labour market, housing, family relationship, leisure.
Differences widen by: social class and place. NOT by: gender or pace of family careers( how early people get married and have kids)
Value added: - life stage developmental process, not macro-historical trends, drive change in leisure. From 1995, GDP has grown up more than 10% per year,.
- change driven by age not by historical changes
- same pattern of change in all social group.
- Spurious cross- sectional relationship.
- Age group 16-30, responsible of motherhood, keep out women from leisure/sports.
- Higher education—higher sports participation.
Portuguese internet using
- Youngsters use internet mainly for educational purpose and entertainment .(games, communication, web surfing). E.g: students
- older and more qualified users use the internet for a cast and frequently simultaneous array of activities: work, news, communication, shopping and leisure. E.g: professionals.
Constant communication: more than 30% in Portugal has/ use internet.
- Equilibrium between work and leisure. E.g: check personal email and chat with friends whilst working.
- Computer and internet have become ubiquitous tools; they are used at home, work, when people commute between them, on vocation, when traveling. Internet has become a fundamental thing in live for most people.
By: Dr. Ake Nilsen
Topic: Technology and masculinity in the context of scuba diving.
Technology as : - tool
- human action
- how to utilize and organize the world
How is technology perceived and managed?
- the practical knowledge
- embodiment
- trust
- rational approach
- risk-activity- irrational choice.
- Rational approach to technology- the second skin- legitimates the activity.
- Contradictory masculinity: irrational or rational? As in general, masculinity replaces the technology through his own physical build.
By: Alan Law
Topic: undesirable, unemployables, and social malingerers containing a sober ‘ leisure society’.
Welfare state behave as regulate the workplace.
Leisure identities: travelers, and alcoholics( in Australia)
- problems of idleness shift between historical epthchs erecting particular identities as objects and subjects of governance.
- Alcoholic: desire to get drunk, is this a lifestyle choice? Continuity record in bureaucratic record, therefore regulated.
- Main thrust of technique is trying material dependency to identities valorized via the use of ‘laziness’- hence a re-distribution issue.
- Linkage of drunkenness and laziness as a character position varies according to main ‘ moral contagion’- main problem.
- intoxication an important site to locate the dysfunctional and illiberal will.
- Managing the dysfunctional will is an important way to prevent’ leisure society’ breaks that threaten the productive order.
- The non-rational or irresponsible are unwilling to accept the structure of the ‘work first then leisure’, relation by making their whole lives a descent into a state of pleasure within which liberal exchange relations find no hold.
- Society regulated the’ fun’ we have?
By: Frances Lobo
Topic: The social transformation of Australian leisure and emerge of participation.
4 kinds of time:
- Necessary time: greater in female. E.g: needs of grooming. Sleeping- female more than male: 8:30 Vs 8:32
- Contracted time ( i.e: work): study, work, education. Male dominated.
- Committed time: having children, set up house, volunteer. Women more dominated.
- Leisure time: parallel
By Susan Shaw
Only 17% of traditional family left in Canada.
New idea about being a ‘good parent’.
Responsibilities: children’s safety, health (both physical and psychological), achievement.
- Involvement in children’s daily life
- Emotion connection
- Particular responsibility: outdoor sports.
Intense motherhood: all aspects of children’s development.
Key issue: Conformity
Implication on leisure:
- control over children’s time: increase in organized activities for children
- increase in ‘purposive’ family leisure. Moral skills, lifestyle, for the sake of child’s development.
Questions to be ask:
- A devaluation of leisure?
- A loss of leisure?
- A melding of work and leisure?
Debate on The congress in China next year:
The conference has agreed and confirmed by the committees, a FORMAL REQUEST LETTER should be issued address to the ISA- leisure Research Committee.
Prof. Modi will be in charge of the invitation and socializing of the event. Should be expecting a 50-60 people from Modi side.
Issues still need to be solved:
- The date of the conference: Modi suggests early October but Ken Roberts think May or June will be better for academics.
- How much cost in terms of staying? Hotels? University guest house? How much does the conference committee cover?
- Should take the registration idea of ISA Barcelona forum, which means categories the registration groups. Different fees.
- The length of the conference.
- Need to ensure quality papers. Joint papers are welcomed. Also possibility of publishing afterwards.