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An Interdisciplinary Dialogue
On “The Interrelation of science, philosophy and art”
Welcome all participants

Sponsors by: The Professional Organization on the Leisure Philosophy in China

The history of the development of science has proven us: science , philosophy and art are just different facets of one subject, they compliment and supplement to each other, and exist side by side and play a part together. The blending of the three has not only given birth to the revolutionary thinking in terms of comprehensive knowledge background, as well as social background ,it also became an inevitable force to drive the interests, curiosity, and overall freedom development of human-being, but interests and curiosity precisely are major components to invention and creativity of all kinds.

There are some historical tradition and academic tradition seen in western countries, especially in the aspect of the merge of science, philosophy and art. The left bank of Paris (the place of birth of creative inventions), moreover, the ‘high tea’ culture in University of Cambridge also has a few hundreds years of history. Those all are places to surge revolutionary thinking. Not only it carries within itself a lot of great philosopher, artist, scientist, but more significantly, it has emerged lots of Nobel prize winners.

Obviously, the foundation of creative revolution inevitably is in need of the support in terms of organization, policy, knowledge, methods, and funds and so on. Nevertheless, the forces from philosophy, art and religion as well as human nature itself are considered equally important.

Topics of the discussion are as follow:
1) The interrelation of science, philosophy and art.
2) Revolution of the support system of socio-cultural condition
3) The birth, evolution and transmutation of science in history. (It can be to anatomise a history, a person, an event so on)
4) How does modern culture involve in the spiritual mind of science.
5) Case studies of revolutionary scientist, artist or philosopher.
6) The approaches and creative inventions of modern science, philosophy, art and as a whole.?
7) The set up of scientific origination structure and its mechanism
8) Relevant classic case studies.

The objective of the dialogue:
Promote a recognition and understanding of the interrelation of science, philosophy and art among the society. Establish the idea that the foundation of creative revolution is certainly in need of the supports from organization, policy, knowledge, methods, fund and information, but more importantly, if not the same, also from strengths of philosophy, art and human nature itself.

Eligible participants:
Everyone who are interested by the topic.

Forms of participation:
Saloon, debate, blog, BBS and others. It also can be a academically article, which can be historical data or materials, reference, case studies, talks, sentiment, famous quotas and so on. An organized dialogue will take place on the 24th of October, 2009.

June to October 2009
Sponsors by: The Professional Organization on the Leisure Philosophy in China;
Fund by: Chinese Association of Science and technology

Form of achievement:
Publication Proceeding: The Dialogue on theInterrelation of science, philosophy and art
Contact email:mahuidi@china.com


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