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Focus on the Structure of Daily Life in China and How It is Changing Lifestyle

----2011 Annual Meeting: Leisure and Social Progressing in China



(August 2011)


Time and its uses have unexpectedly become matters of high politics in developed countries. But It is important same issues have appeared in China today, people are facing a glut of free time in daily life and also urge us to think how to allocation it, how to have value and how to transfer cultural capital.


It is very important that a well-reasoned national policy might be developed to encourage people to use their free time wisely. Actually, the use and distribution of free time reflects one's lifestyle. Reasonable allocation of free time is reflected in how one values life.


Today, in China, we have 115 days of legal holiday each year. If we add to that the free time in our daily lives, we might say that we have nearly a third of a year of leisure time.


The conference will focus upon ‘free time’; how much free time we have; how to judge the value of free time; how free time is used by different groups, whether by gender, age, class, or cultural background; how it might reflect change in contemporary Chinese lifestyle; how free time may be used in a meaningful and valuable manner; what kind of national policy might help educate individuals, families and the broader society concerning the use and value of free time; and how traditional Chinese lifestyle is meeting the challenge of free time. Other questions or concerns may also be addressed.


Papers submitted may be survey reports, countermeasures, or theoretical analysis of evidence of lifestyle changes.


The topics: Focus on Daily Lifestyle in China and How It is changing

The conference time: November, 2011 (approximate)

The meeting venue: Not yet determined

Abstract: please contribute before October 20, 2011, to: mahuidi@china.com


For more information, please check: www.818d.net





Leisure Philosophy Professional Committee in China

China Leisure Studies Center

August 2nd, 2011






Mission from China Leisure Studies

We should pay attention to leisure as an important factor in national economy and people's livelihood, to humanistic concerns of leisure, to cultural orientations in leisure, and to the phenomenon of leisure in the context of culture.





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