歐洲社會學協會第十屆大會從2011年9月7-10日在瑞士日內瓦大學隆重舉行,大會主題:“迷亂時代的社會關系”(Social Relations in Turbulent Times)。會議入選論2800篇(availability),其中83.98%來自歐洲各國,10.72%來自亞洲,2.4%來自北美,0.72%來自非洲和大洋洲,0.61%來自南美洲。來自世界各地的參會代表約3000人,聚焦于迷亂時代中的經濟崩潰、金融危機、日常生活壓力等諸多社會現象,給出社會學家面對這些問題所作的思考與想象。
整個會議包括:4場Plenary Sessions, 12場Semi-Plenary Sessions,12場Special Sessions,從33個專題研究中安排611場小組會。9場作者與讀者見面會。
Plenary Session:都安排在晚上6:30-8:30這段時間
大會主題:Social Europe Under Pressure
三位歐洲學者在演講中探討了壓力的類型、歐洲壓力的特征,以及相互依存、沖突和控制的問題,比如來自瑞士的哲學家Erik VerKooyen說,“誰知道日內瓦是在天堂還是在地獄?!?沒有路。他認為,現在是個人資本主義時代。劍橋大學John Urry ,認為人類正處于迷亂時代的一個峰值
The Generation Contract: a Social Model Under Pressure
What kind of pressure? What kind of Europe? Interdependency, Conflict and Control
Peaking and Social Turbulence
在另一單元Plenary Session,
主題:“Life Trajectories in Turbulent Times”,有三位學者演講,題目分別是:
Globalization, Rising Uncertainty and the Vulnerable
Vulnerabilities of the Life Course, Vulnerabilities of Knowledge and “Sociological Imagination
Gender Inequality in the Life Course
在另一組專題演講中,主題:Sociology for Turbulent Times:Views From Around the World, 有三位學者演講,題目分別是:
Arab World in Turbulent Time: Who Are the Actors?
Citizenship, Hegemony, Authoritarianism
Indignation and Social Force
閉幕式的主題:The Future of Capitalism, 聯合國教科文組織總干事Syvia Walby先生發表了主題演講;倫敦城市大學John Solomos教授主講了Thinking about Race and Racism in a Global Context.
在各個專題組的發言中Semi Plenary Session Program (共28個專業委員會),涉及12方面的主題:迷亂時代的個人與社會,價值,未來和勞動力市場“Migration: Ethic Relations, Racism and Biographic Perspectives on Migration”, “Threat and Risk to the Environment”,“Science Theory and Method”, “The Bologna Process and Sociology”, “歐洲人的福利和教育”, “金融危機:經濟下滑(meltdown),勞動力市場和性別”,“作為社會學知識的一個問題:誠信危機”,“性別、不平等和危機:朝著持續發展和福利”,“青年人和不景氣的世界”,“文化、藝術和宗教”,“傳媒和消費”,“市民社會”。
Special Sessions:當代資本主義研究,法語討論工作場,教育問題專題工作會議。
作者與讀者的討論共有九場(Meet the Author Sessions):
Session1/Book:”Social Vulnerability in Europe: The New Configuration of Social Risks” by MacMillan:London,2010
Session2/Book:“Qualitative Research ,Theory, Method and Practice” by Sage London,2010
Session3/Book: Unmasking Age: The Significance of Age for Social Research” by Polity Press,2011
Sessions4/Book: “Social Capital and Sport Governance in Europe,” by Taylor and Francis,2010.
Session5/Book: “Consumption Challenged: Food medialised in Medialised Everyday lives” by Ashgate,2011
Session6/Book: “Sociology of the European Union” by MacMillan,2011
Session7/Book: “Social Theory in the Twentieth Century and Beyond” By Polity,2010
Session8/Book: “Transnational Families: Ethnicities, Identities and Social Capital” by Boutledge,2010
Session9/Book: “Families Configuration: A Structure Approach to Family Diversity” by Ashgate,2010
33個研究專業組, 包括33個討論話題:
(1)Ageing in Europe
(2)Sociology of the Arts
(3)Biographical perspectives on European Societies
(4)Sociology of Children and Childhood.
(5)Sociology of consumption
(6)Critical political Economy
(7)Sociology of culture
(8)Disaster and Social Crisis
(9)Economic Sociology Research Network
(10)Sociology of Education
(11)Sociology of Emotion
(12)Environment and Society
(13)Families and Intimated lives
(14)Gender Relation in the labors Market and the welfare State
(15) Health and Healthcare in Europe in Challenge and Uncertain Times. (16)Industrial Relations, Labor Market, Institutions and Employment
(17) Communications Disruptions-European Perspectives on Global Challenges
(18)Sociology of Professions
(19)Qualitative Methods
(20)Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty
(22)Sociology of Science and Technology
(23)Social Movements
(24)Sociology of Social policy and Social Welfare
(25)Southern European Societies
(26)Sociology of sports
(27)Social Theory
(28)Youth and Generation
(29)Ethnic Relations, Racism and Anti-Semitism
(30)Political Sociology
(31)Women’s and Gender Studies
(32)Sociology of Religion
(33)Sociology of Migration
21個研究組, 包括討論題目有:
(1)Sociology of Disability
(2)Dynamics and Complexity of Minority Statuses in Plural Societies
(3)East and West in Europe: Two Decades of Transformations
(4)Maritimes Sociology
(5)Arts Culture and public Memory
(6)Socio-Anthropological Approaches to Transnational Migrations, Migrant Families and Migrant Practices
(7)Regional Conflicts
(8)Rethinking inheritance of Inequalities
(9)Sociology of Celebration
(9)Economic Elites in Turbulent Times
(10)The Tacit Knowing Approach
(11)Culture, Politics and Conflicts
(12)Methods for Comparative Research in Europe
(13)European, National and Regional Identities
(14)Bringing Lefebvre Sociology Back in urban Studies
(15)Sustainable City and Arts
(16)Evolution and Sociology
(17)Global and Transnational Sociology
(18)Russian Sociology in Time, Social Space and Transition
(19)The Relevance of Karl Marx’s Theory Today: Does It Exist?
我與劉耳合作的論文“中國城市化進程中市民與農民工沖突之辨:社會文化學的視角”,并在“Culture, Politics and Conflicts”專題小組中發言。
大會每天編發ESA News of The Day ,介紹前一天會議的主要內容,或重要思想觀點。
比如第一天的ESA News of The Day 中有記者對多位學者的采訪。“這里為什么是社會學家聚集的地方”?西班牙學者羅爾說:我在這里度假,我也更想知道社會發生了什么,我們能為個體和社會作出學術性的工作。葡萄牙學者配希羅說:我們可以從社會學中汲取更多的思考社會問題的方法,以及來自不同文化背景的共同興趣。以色列學者恩尼特說:社會學給你更開闊的視野。
大會記者采訪歐洲社會學協會的協調人圣?加倫大學(ST·Gallen University)托瑪斯·伊貝爾,請他談“迷亂時代的社會學”問題時,記者問,本次大會主題:迷亂時代的社會關系,我們能說社會學本身已進入了一個迷亂時代嗎?或者說:它已經存在?伊貝爾說:不是社會學的迷亂時代,社會學是研究社會現象的,而是社會學正處于一個迷亂時代,這次大會的主題我們只所以選擇“社會關系”問題,因為“社會關系”是社會學的核心問題。社會關系涉及行動(活動)、相互活動、交流溝通、情感因素等與他人、與制度、與體制、與物質發生聯系。我們可以觀察不同的社會領域,比如公共空間,私人空間、工作空間、家庭空間等等。我們只所以選擇“時代”這個話題,的確,時代越來越迷亂,經濟危機、金融危機,我們不得不考慮它對社會各個領域的影響。
記者又問:你是怎樣體驗“迷亂時代”的?答:通過媒體我觀察到,無論是在阿拉伯世界,還是在法國南部,你都可以可以看見許多無業的青年,從經濟和未來的角度看,我擔憂我們將會突然發現我們的周圍到處都有失業的人。當下法國出口產業崩潰(Export Industry Collapse),瑞士有更高的兌換率,這些正在改變我們的生活空間。他說:迷亂出現在所有地方。
(三)、參加歐洲的學術會議,總會讓我想起凡勃倫(Thorstein Veblen)提出的“‘準學術’與‘準藝術’的休閑方式,就其所產生的后果來說,都是美妙的、高超的”這句話。這是歐洲的學術傳統,是歐洲人的休閑傳統。歐洲的會議一般都安排在度假期,會議舉辦地都“風景如畫”。許多代表都是“拖家帶口”,或是夫妻同行。孩子們從小跟隨家長接受學術氛圍的熏陶,也游歷大好河山。而學術本身也是休閑的一項內容,這個傳統就是這樣一代又一代傳下來的。歐洲人文化資本也是這樣積累的。
The Conflict between Urban Residents and Migrant workers
During the Process of Urbanization in China
MA Huidi
Center for Leisure Studies
Chinese Academy of Arts
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Harbin Institute of Technology
An Outline
A. Contributions of Migrant workers to China's Urbanization
According to statistics from government authorities, the number of migrant workers, who have become the mainstay for "Made in China" and an important component of China's industrial workers, has reached 240 million.? They make up 57.6% of the work force for the industrial sector, 52.5% of that for commerce and restaurant industry, 68.2% of that for manufacturing, and 79.8% of that for the construction industry.? It has been estimated that an average migrant worker is creating 25 thousand yuan of GDP a year, which means migrant workers as a whole is creating 5.7 trillion yuan of GDP a year.
B. The Status of Migrant workers' Life in the City
The following is a summary of relevant statistics from various sources:
- The average peasant worker earns 1747.87 yuan a month, or only 57.4% that earned by the average urban worker (3046.61 yuan).
- The percentages of migrant workers participating in endowment, medical, unemployment, work injury, and maternity insurances are 67.7%, 77.4%, 55.9%, 70.3% and 30.7%, respectively, which are 23.7%, 14.6%, 29.1%, 9.1%, and 30.8%, respectively, lower than the figures for workers who are urban residents.
- In terms of safety on the job, 36.5% migrant workers have to face working under high- or low-temperature conditions, 41.3% work in noise-polluted environments, 36% have work environments with hazards of mechanical failure that can easily lead to physical injury, and 34.7% work in environments with dust pollution.
- In terms of work hours, only 29% work 6-8 hours, while 44.4% work 8-10 hours, and 20.4% work more than 10 hours a day.
- they tend to have poor living conditions, with only 19% having housing with heating, toilet, bathroom, and kitchen, while more than 80% peasant-worker households lack these facilities.
- Especially those doing hard work in the service sector, hardly have any leisure time, for they often have to go to work before dawn and come home after the moon is up, and sometimes having insufficient time even just to meet the need for rest as a biological being.
C. Major Areas of Conflict between Residents and Migrant workers
1) Wage
Among migrant workers legally entitled to overtime compensation, 54% never get paid, and 20% only occasionally get paid for overtime. 76% of work on holidays without being paid according to wage levels stipulated by the national government.
2) Education for Their Children
Education for one's children is among the central problems for those who come from rural areas to work in the city. They are close to 20 million children at ages for mandatory education who come to the city with their parents, but close to 200 thousands of these children have either been unable to attend a school or have dropped out.? In August this year, the municipal government suddenly gave out an order to have 24 schools for children of migrant workers demolished, bringing the prospect of tens of thousands of children losing their opportunity for education.
3) Impoverished Cultural and Spiritual Life
Migrant workers hardly have any time for leisure, not to mention any cultural activities or aesthetic pursuits.
D. Major Manifestations of the Conflict
1) Discrimination: migrant workers are often driven around
2) Lack of welfare: no social security, no medical insurance, and no personal insurance
3) Taking revenge on the society: migrant workers are involved in many criminal cases, often acting out of hatred for the rich man and for government officials
E. Main Causes for the Conflict
1) Lack of institutional guarantees for a decent and dignified life
2) Lack of policies providing sufficient life space
3) Lack of institutional guarantees for political participation
4) Lack of institutional guarantees for personal development
5) Lack of humanistic concerns in the process of urbanization
6) Lack of patterns of rural space and culture
7) Lack of respection derisively as “waidi ren,” or outsiders, or second-class citizens.
8) Lack of hukou system (the mean to obtain an urban residence permit, called a hukou), as it is called, has created a two-tiered population in many Chinese cities: those with legal residency and those without.
Though urbanization is a central tenet of the China government the latest five-year economic plan for the country just released, the 250 million rural migrants who are expected to move to cities in the next 15 years could become a source of social unrest unless the ID system is reformed. Having that many second-class citizens in Chinese cities is dangerous.
The conflict between resident and migrant also reflect the reality society in china is unbalance and unharmonious on the city and rural, culture and economy, tradition and contemporary and belief and utilitarian
In fact, GDP rapid growth Numbers and more a place where rise up modern cities could not conceal already social problems. Although, the government has been aware of the seriousness of the problems, but the corruption, “face projects” mean gaudy, officials make a shows and Rigid system were popular wherever in china,so the problem is difficult to solve.