倫敦大學金斯密斯學院“國際城市攝影2014暑期班”開班時間:8月18日至8月30日。學費1100英鎊。學生減至900英鎊。倫敦大學金斯密斯學院在許多學科領域學術水平很高。尤其是視覺藝術和表演藝術以及媒體和傳播專業則蜚聲海外。鼓勵中國相關專業人員與學生報名申請。For more information: www.iupss.com
International Urban Photography Summer School, 2014
Goldsmiths, University of London
Designed for photographers, artists and ethnographers whose work addresses notions of urban space and culture, the international Urban Photography Summer School provides a highly intensive two-week practical and theoretical training in key aspects of urban visual practice. The course aims to offer participants a wide range of relevant skills resulting in the production of a photography portfolio drawn from London’s urban environments along with a collective final exhibition.
The programme has been developed in collaboration with the Centre for Urban and Community Research (CUCR), Urban Photo Fest and the international Association of Visual Urbanists (iAVU). The course will be taught by tutors from Goldsmiths’ Sociology Department and the international MA in Photography and Urban Cultures. The programme draws on the advanced theoretical, research and practical image-making specialisms of key practitioners in the field.
Summer School tutors include: Paul Halliday (MA in Photography and Urban Cultures Convener), Beatriz Véliz Argueta (Coordinator/ Goldsmiths), Les Back (Goldsmiths), Caroline Knowles (Goldsmiths), Mandy Lee Jandrell (Southampton Solent University/ Goldsmiths), Peter Coles (Oxford/ Goldsmiths), Alex-Rhys Taylor (Goldsmiths), Manuel Vázquez (Goldsmiths), Laura Cuch (Goldsmiths) and Jasmine Cheng (Goldsmiths).
The programme will explore how the practice of urban image-making informs the development of a reflexive and critical research perspective and will include assignments and guided fieldtrips focusing on (1) landscape, (2) material objects and street photography and (3) portraiture.