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在各類會議訊息中,我與生活在流動的社會中Living in a Liquid Society我們正處在凝聚與分裂之間的社會變革中The Social Transformations We Live in: Between Cohesion and Fragmentation)兩個主題一見鐘情




Living in a Liquid Society Timisoara, Romania


? 英國著名社會學家齊格蒙特·鮑曼曾出版過《流動的生活》和《流動的時代》等多部著述,指出當代社會是充滿變數、缺乏穩定性的生活,生活于流動的現代社會中的人們不得不應對諸多挑戰。而創造性毀滅是流動生活的時尚方式,伴隨人的是揮之不去的焦慮……。鮑曼從消費現象切入,對消費帶來的新社會關系的重構,對政治社會的消解進行了分析與批判。鮑曼被譽為當代最具原創思想的社會學家之一

羅馬尼亞社會學學會第五屆國際會議選中生活在流動的社會中Living in a Liquid Society為大會主題,正是對齊格蒙特?鮑曼思想的回應。







羅馬尼亞社會學協會第五屆國際會議2018914-15日蒂米什瓦拉西部大學(West University of Timisoara, Romania)舉行。來自全球約幾十個國家的學者300余人出席了會議。大家分別從不同的視角和學科背景,圍繞著生活在流動的社會中的主題發表了各自的見解。
















新戈里察(Nova Gorica),斯洛文尼亞


第二個會議:我們正處在凝聚與分裂之間的社會變革中The Social Transformations We Live in: Between Cohesion and Fragmentation),由歐洲社會學學會(RN26)和聯合國教科文組織斯洛文尼亞委員會社會變革項目管委會共同主辦,斯洛文尼亞新戈里察高級社會研究學院承辦。

新戈里察(Nova Gorica)位于斯洛文尼亞的西部,毗鄰意大利城市戈爾齊亞。參會人數不多,總共五十余人,分別來自歐洲十幾個國家。人雖不多,但參加討論的熱情很高、專注度也很高。







有幸結識了英國開放大學藝術與社會科學學院環境地理學系高級講師皮特·克萊尼敦斯特博士,他作為大會主旨演講者,做了將人格尊嚴理念融入教育過程學術報告。他通過對加利福尼亞和斯洛文尼亞兩個調查案例說明,青少年在成長過程中接收人格尊嚴理念的教育對日后人生影響重大,學校發揮著重要作用。他在另一場報告中還講了自產時蔬home growth food)問題。會后與我談到:希望與中國學者共同進行這個方面的合作研究。他告訴我,已經對捷克、匈牙利、波蘭、克羅地亞做了問卷調查。他認為這個問題涉及到環境保護、靜悄悄地可持續發展(quiet sustainability),贊同日常物質環境主義everyday material environmentalism’Schlosberg and Coles 2016)。我們在這些方面取得了共識,也初步達成了合作的意向。

還結識了來自在牛津大學讀書的華裔加拿大學生杰西·董,她用布魯諾·拉圖爾的行動者網絡理論,并通過對柏林難民游考察,探索了時空對難民的融合問題。說來,很專業,很深奧。也看得出年輕學子對社會學理論在實踐中運用的技巧和社會學學者洞察社會的能力。她是會場上唯一一個有亞裔面孔的女孩。在攀談中得知她出生在加拿大,父母均在九十年初移民加拿大,并給予她非常好的教育,現在在牛津大學讀書。遺憾的是她不會講中文,氣質、神態均西方化。她發言結束后我送給她四個英文詞:confident, natural, fluent and easiness(自信、自然、流暢、從容)。看得出來她受到了極好的教育,包括家庭教育,以及嚴格的學術訓練,為之塑造出不同的人格魅力和行為舉止。

















Share to session of ?EXPLORING AGEING AND OLD AGE IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETIESDr. Adriana Teodorescu Babe?-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (adriana.teodorescu@gmail.com)Prof.univ.dr. Dan Chiribuc?, Babe?-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (danchiribuca@gmail.com)


Aging Society in China: Current Status and Challenges

Ma Huidi

Indeed, Ageing is an extremely diverse, complex and multi-layered process, especially in a liquid social context. It’s only 27 years for China to become an aging society. There are now nearly 250 million people aged over 60 in the country, and that aging population is expected to reach 300 million by 2025. The subsequent 20 years will be more rapid increase.

“Getting old before getting rich” is a prominent feature of today’s Chinese society, which brings all-round challenges to the country. The survey data shows

Among the households of people aged 65 and over, 150 million elderly people suffer from one or more diseases; 51 million are “empty-nesters”; 5.56% suffer from Alzheimer’s disease; more than 1 million families are lone families (elderly people whose only child died before them); more than 47 million are old widows and widowers; and 30.67 million are over 80 years of age, who are long-lived but not healthy.

The elderly population puts a tremendous burden on the Chinese family with the 4:2:1 structure (a unique family structure of four elderly people, a young couple and one child as a result of implementation of one-child policy), creating enormous economic and psychological pressures, then also conflicts with the traditional Chinese principles of “raising children to provide for old age.”

Different elderly groups have different lifestyles, and the common feature is that generally have more free time. But there is a serious shortage of public facilities for the elderly people in recreational activities, and the public services in rural areas are especially inadequate.?

There’s no doubt that the urgent and serious issues of the aging population in China are not only constraining the future economic development of the country, but also cause conflict with the traditional Chinese morals and ethics as well. Two possible solutions to the issue are: 1. the future economy must be tilted toward the aged industry, such as training of the medicare personnel, improving the home-living facilities, establishing community-based rehabilitation system, providing easy access for medical treatment, and balancing the urban and rural elderly care, etc.; 2. measures must be taken such as the establishment of the re-education system for the elderly, re-use of the skills of the relatively younger section of the population, reasonable split and exploitation of the leisure time, re-understanding of the values of the elderly, cultivation of independence awareness for the elderly, and development of healthy living styles. They should all be among top agendas of the government economic policies and development.

Based on demographic analysis, this paper will present the current status of the aging society in China and challenges. In addition, it deliberates on the traditional mode of thinking among elderly population and its negative influence and raises questions on the orientation of the contemporary public opinion propaganda by the media.?

Key wordsaging in China, recent status, challenges, questions





Session of  LIVING IN A LIQUID SOCIETY, LIVING IN TRANSNATIONAL SOCIAL FIELDS Living in a Liquid Society14th – 15thSeptember 2018, West University of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania


Where will the liquid life take us?


Ma Huidi




The characteristic of a “liquid life” is a life in an uncertain and unstable environment, with no explicit destinations and no specific goals. It comes from multiple forces of social movements in modern society. With the advent of modernity, globalization and integration, the whole world is more and more shaped by rapid expansion of bureaucratic politics, bombardment of overwhelming knowledge and information, ever fading religious beliefs and traditional customs, paradox of increasingly intimate and distant human relationships, fragmentation of time and space, as well as intensifying social mobility. Industrialization, urbanization, bureaucracy, secularization, and elitism have become the bywords of the modern society. On one hand, technology explosion has facilitated the rapid growth and spread of new ideas and thoughts with stunning speed and volume, influencing and overtaking one another; on the other hand, the economy and the fate of the billions of the people in the world have fallen into the hands of oligarchs, political brokers and commercial monstrosities, who account for only one percent of the world’s population as a whole.

Facing this technology empire, people are easily bewildered, like a small boat adrift in a vast sea, knowing not whither to go. While anxiety and fear always loom over the human beings, “beautiful dreams” and opportunities keep popping up, tempting people to constantly seek illusory freedom and imaginary liberation.

Liquid life is a reflection of an objective reality that comes from enormous historical changes. It is a specific life experience that people must undergo on “absolutely modern” terms. At the same time, it is a way for people to savor and be conscious of the intricacies between time and space, self and others, as well as between possibilities & challenges.

Globalization and modernization has become an irreversible trend, with its crisscrossing currents and countercurrents of separation and cooperation, confrontation and reconciliation, confusion and trauma. From west to east, from modern to contemporary times, it spreads in a familial open concept fashion and in the process becomes the focal point of social and individual conflicts and confrontations on many levels.?

Years ago, in many of his books such as Liquid Life and Globalization: The Human Consequences, Zygmunt Bauman made thorough and meticulous observations on and analysis of the present state of the liquid life, voicing his concerns over the future of human beings, which resonated among intellectuals as well as led to debates. People are sympathetic towards his idealistic concepts of the genuine global obligations and the importance of giving up over owning, but question the solutions he has prescribed such as unity, law, regulations, order, and self-education, for they sound anemic and powerless, lacking concrete means of putting them to patn.

This article attempts to explore, against a Chinese background, crisis of humanity behind a seemingly prosperous society, gap between ideology and reality, big divide between intellectual thoughts and ideas and those of common folks, and conflicts between rule of law and rule by ethics. From the perspective of an intellectual, the article will try to answer the questions on the direction and consequences of the liquid life.

The following questions will also be raised: e.g. where will the future human life be? What kind of breakthroughs can we anticipate in terms of cognitive methodology? What contributions will scholars of the humanities be able to make?


Key wordsliquid life????? future directions?? seeking prescription?? probing methodology






The Social Transformations We Live in: Between Cohesion and Fragmentation”

September 20-22, 2018, Nova Gorica, Slovenia


“The Belt and Road” in the Fragmented World


Ma Huidi



“The Belt and Road” (B&R) was the cooperation initiative of China’s President Xi Jinping’s “New Silk Road Economic Belt” and “21st Century Maritime Silk Road” in 2013. It aims at relying on the existing bilateral and multilateral mechanisms of China and other countries to carry out a form of regional cooperation or economic partnerships with countries along the route to jointly build a community of interests, common interests, community of political mutual trust, economic integration, cultural inclusion and responsibility community.

According to the Data provided by the Chinese Government: since the “Belt and Road” economic zone opened, have applied for accession by 71 countries and 3000 projects were approved. It has passed through 16 countries in Central and Eastern Europe by the end of 2017: (Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria and Macedonia). By the end of 2017, 3271 trains were running between China and Europe with 57 lines, and opening cities in China's domestic reached 35 starting stations, for connecting 34 European cities in 12 countries.

Would this "Cooperation Initiative" really achieve the purpose of win-win cooperation, economic mutual benefit, political mutual trust and cultural integration? As far as progress is concerned, the participating countries are full of expectations for economic mutual benefit. However, the suspicion, and even the voice of opposition, has also risen in some participating countries.

Therefore, as a scholar, we must rationally consider some problems, such as: how to assess the role of “B&R “in globalization and free trade? how to look upon the bridging effect of “B&R “on the fragmented world? how to improve the cooperative mechanism of "B&R "and so on. But what are the deep reasons for the fragmented world? And what force can be relied on to solve the fragmented world? This paper will explore these issues from an interdisciplinary perspective and also hope to learn from the insights of European scholars.

Key words: The Belt and Road, Cooperation and win-win, the deep reasons for the fragmented world





十堰市| 江安县| 大渡口区| 通化县| 永州市| 石泉县| 溧阳市| 九江市| 当阳市| 邵阳市| 从江县| 惠水县| 新泰市| 寿宁县| 长丰县| 武平县| 扶风县| 荣成市| 潮州市| 清新县| 辰溪县| 枝江市| 桐城市| 棋牌| 鄂托克前旗| 福海县| 宾阳县| 皮山县| 平和县| 尚义县| 科技| 成安县| 古田县| 胶州市| 淮阳县| 大方县| 厦门市| 新丰县| 泗洪县| 冕宁县| 东城区|